Refer to the applicable ACS to prepare for the required tasks.
Please have all your original documents out and ready for me to see as well as the maintenance logs for our aircraft BEFORE I arrive. Having the inspections tabbed out beforehand for easy finding is appreciated.
Please know your IACRA log in information. Often times instructors complete most of the application and sometimes it takes applicants 10-15 minutes to remember their passwords and sometimes even lock themselves out of their own account for not knowing passwords. Please familiarize yourself with that information to avoid any unnecessary delays.
Although the test is not a race to answer the questions quickly or give your presentation quickly, keep in mind in the real world that you will be limited to the time you have to teach your student. They may have only scheduled you for a 30-60 minute ground. With this in mind, it's important that your presentations are well presented and easy to understand. This is best accomplished with visual presentations such as slides, illustrations, cockpit posters etc. You are allowed to use your lessons plans. I do not mind you using lesson plans from 3rd party sources, however ensure you are proficient using them and that they apply to the aircraft and equipment we are conducting the test in.
Remember, the ACS specifies what is required to be covered for each task. Essentially how it works, common errors and how to correct them. I will be your only passenger and weigh 200 lbs and will bring a 5 lbs flight bag along with me. Have a plan for the flight portion of the test. I will be acting as your student. Prior to the flight I will let you know the tasks that will be conducted that are specified by the examiner. Make sure you plan for flying and teaching. I’m intentionally not giving you step by step instructions. This is a CFI practical test and you are demonstrating proficiency and understanding of the applicable ACS.
Try and plan ahead to take care of anything that can save us both time. If your school dispatches your airplane out to another student before you, I understand that’s outside of your control. If it’s possible though, see if we can get an airplane no one will be using before us. Ideally have the plane preflighted ahead of time so we can identify potential problems early. Reference your written test reports and type or hand write the corresponding subject codes for your missed questions from the ACS on one piece of paper. Do this for both written tests please. Do not only write the codes down(your test does that), you are demonstrating to me you know what the codes mean. This is a copy for my records and needs to be a document I can keep. Please condense to a single piece of paper(DO NOT simply highlight the codes in the PTS. Include your FTN number on the document. You can find the FTN number on your written test or in IACRA. I am required to ask you every missed question from the written test. Your instructor is required to review the missed subjects with you and endorse your log book validating this has been done. This additional instruction is required to be logged as well. It is in your best interest to show up for the test able to answer the questions you missed on the written at an instructor level of knowledge.
KNOW THE ACS. I ask every checkride if applicants are familiar and they still seem to not know what the requirements and standards are for the tasks. I'll be evaluating you based on those standards so as long as you know them well, it makes it much easier for both of us.
Please do not hesitate to email me with additional questions.