Refer to the applicable ACS for the required tasks when adding to an existing certificate. Calculate an initial flight plan to an area you are familiar with that will allow you to conduct the required maneuvers. Plan on a departure 1 hour from the test start time. You can have an electronic flight plan if you prefer. Pick a location as close as practical to the departing airport that allows for airspace and terrain clearance for each maneuver in accordance with the ACS. You will be PIC and are responsible for airspace and traffic at all times. Ensure you have pre-calculated all required performance data and determined the aircraft is airworthy for the test. My weight for W&B is 200lbs.
Make sure you have your pilot certificate, government ID, current medical, and log book with associated endorsements. You can save some time during the test and review the pilot bill of rights found here. When we meet, you will be signing that you have read it. Have your IACRA login information available for the test. You will have to login at least once to finalize your application. Make sure you review my fee and cancellation policy HERE. In rare cases a test can not begin because the applicant is not qualified. It is your responsibility to ensure you are qualified for the test you are taking. This is TASK A in the ACS -CA.I.A.K1 Certification requirements, recent flight experience, and recordkeeping. Work with your CFI and review applicable regulations to ensure you are qualified. Unfortunately I will still have to charge you the full fee even if we can not begin the test.
If the aircraft is available prior to us starting the test please have the preflight conducted prior to our scheduled start time. This allows you to discover any potential problems with the aircraft early so there is time to get it fixed if we fly. Otherwise a delay may result in having to discontinue the test due to me having other checks scheduled.
I highly recommend you show up at least two hours prior to your check ride. It is very obvious to me when an applicant procrastinated or waited until the last minute. This is part of ADM and I do factor it into my decision regarding your certificate. I also typically complete 2-3 tests a day. If a test prior to yours results in a discontinuance or disapproval, we will most likely be starting earlier then the scheduled time. Plan ahead, it is in your best interest to be ready two hours early rather then rushing and making mistakes.
I look forward to working with you. Please email me with any questions.